Region C Awards
Region C Awards Committee
Region C Awards Committee: The Region C Awards Committee shall be appointed by the Region C Chair and shall be comprised of an active brother from each section within the region as well as one additional brother who shall serve as chair of the committee, and the Region Chair or his/her designee. This committee shall develop and present regional awards as necessary or appropriate to recognize individuals, chapters and other organizations for their service to the region. The Region C Awards Committee may also either award a Region C Distinguished Service Award or refer any nominations to the chapters of Region C at a Regional Conference or National Convention. The awards committee shall meet at each regional conference and national convention, or as otherwise needed.
Adopted by the Region VIII Conference, January 15, 2000, Norman, Oklahoma.
Region Distinguished Service Award
The Region Distinguished Service Award is the highest award that may be conveyed by the Region. It may conveyed by the chapters in good standing in the region or by the Region C Awards Committee.
Nominations may be made by any active brothers, alumni, sectional or regional staff member affiliated with Region C.
A Regional DSK may be presented either
- by an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the Region C Awards Committee, or
- by a 2/3 affirmative vote of all chapters present and eligible to vote at a Regional Conference or National Convention.
Adopted by the Region VIII Conference, January 15, 2000 - Norman, Oklahoma.
From Appendix K of the Alpha Phi Omega Board Policy Manual
A red key awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their region. Selection is made by an established or special regional committee.
-Distinguished service on a regional basis; that is, making an outstanding and unique contribution to the region as a whole.
-Exemplifying and furthering in demonstrable ways the principles of leadership, friendship and service.
-Making a sustained contribution in a leadership role over a period of time.
[To nominate someone for the Region Distinguished Service Key, click here for the nomination form. Once you've completed this form, please forward it to the chair of the Region Awards Committee to receive proper consideration.]
Region C Service Award
The Region VIII Service Award is established to recognize those chapters that excel in providing service to their chapters, campuses, communities, and country. This award will be presented annually at the National Convention or Region VIII Conference (whichever occurs) to that chapter in Region VIII who has provided the most service hours per brother during that year.
In order to be considered for the award, the chapter must:
-be in attendance at the National Convention or Region Conference
-be in good standing with the national fraternity
-have participated in the previous year's Spring Youth Service Day and National Service Week (as verified by a report being completed and in APO Portal), and present a listing of Service hours and total membership to the designated member of the Region Staff.
The breakdown of figures shall be as follows:
For spring semester:
-Total number of service hours performed by actives and pledges
-Total number of actives that semester
-Total number of pledges that semester
For Fall semester:
-Total number of service hours performed by actives and pledges
-Total number of actives that semester
-Total number of pledges that semester
The formula used will be:
Spring hours / (Spring Actives + Spring Pledges) x .5 + Fall Hours / (Fall Actives + Fall Pledges) x .5 = Total Hours Per Member.
The Region Chair or someone designated by the Region Chair shall tabulate the results, and the award shall be presented at either the Region business meeting during the National Convention, or Region C Conference banquet.
As approved by the Region VIII voting delegates at the 2008 National Convention.